Hailing from rolling hills of sweet home Mobile, Alabama, Dagr8fm presents christian music
artist Titus Horace. His career began in his hometown’s Guiding Light Church where he sang
the gospel as a member of the choir. Singing has always been a way for Horace to strengthen
his relationship with God as well as inspire others with the miracles that believing in Christ can
bring. Growing up, Titus was heavily influenced by Kirk Franklin’s music, artistry and uncanny
ability to communicate God’s word to the masses. This is particularly evident in Horace’s music
style which he considers to be a combination of righteous Gospel teachings and soothing
elements of Rhythm & Blues.
Titus Horace credits his Lord and Savior for providing him with the “guiding light” to navigate
throughout the many trials and tribulations that he has faced along his journey. By being a
vessel through which God can operate, Horace was able to turn them into triumphs. He
elaborates on this notion in his hit single “Nothing but You” talking about the dark times he
faced due to his divorce in 2014. This track showcases Horace’s voice and incredible
harmonizing capabilities. The upbeat tempo and lyrics create an almost “feel good” quality to
the sound while still speaking on the wonderful works that God has done for him in his life.
As for future projects, Horace is set to release a new track called “Angel” in June that will be
available on all major music platforms. He is also open to features and collaborations with other
artists who share the same visions, values and ideals. Horace believes that it is imperative to
venture out of his comfort zone for musical growth and development. For Titus, music is his
way of expressing the overwhelming joy and glory that comes with following God’s path. He
hopes his music can broaden the minds of people around the world to the bountiful blessings
that God has in store for us when we surrender and trust in his merciful leadership and
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